We worship and serve a missional God. He invites us to join Him in the work of redeeming the lost by proclaiming the Gospel and living it out in our daily lives. We do this several ways as a church family and try to equip and encourage those in our church family to live out the words of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the charge to the church in Acts 1:8. We are to be Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) by living a missional lifestyle focused on sharing the Good News!!
The Great Commission that says GO and make disciples is best understood as "as you are going", as you are living your life.
Our Jerusalem (Local Missions)
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Many of our people are involved in more ministry/missional endeavors and we are always looking for new ways to get involved!!
Cookie Basket Ministry- we take a basket of cookies to show love and support to various service agencies in our town (schools, fire and police department, nursing homes, etc.)
Grace Baptist is always looking for new ways to ENGAGE our community. We have a partnership with a local elementary school and we encourage our members to be the salt and light to the world around them.
Our Judea
Foster Care Ministry: RESTORING HOPE
Our former pastor and his wife adopted 4 children from foster care and are bringing that passion to a new ministry expression of the church. We are currently working on ways to aid our community and state in efforts to help not only the children in foster care but families in crisis. We are doing things through a partnership with Promise686, an organization designed to help churches learn how to support foster families in their community, as well as connecting to the state offices to extend a helping hand and the Gospel to families in need.